Anodised Aluminium. Plexiglass. Architectural Glass. LED. Quad-Core Computer. Camera. Built-In Neural Net AI. Procedural Physics Engine
I like it when i see you in person because i know you’re not lying to me… like you do on the internet, is an interactive AI powered artwork that reflects the current emotional expression of the people in front of it, using emojis.
As you change your facial expression, the emojis on the artwork will change immediately, using a machine learning algorithm and 4K camera observing the people in front of the piece. The artwork users no internet connection and does not record any video feed, it is entirely self contained.
The artwork was built for the atrium of Scope International Contemporary Art Show in Miami 2019.
The piece is now on display as part of the MeLab exhibition on mental health in the FROST Museum of Science, Miami.