




Taking an anti-depressant is sometimes considered the easy way out, but it is also the only way out for some.

This piece is supposed to convey the severity at which people have prescribed to Xanax, anti-anxiety meds, and anti-depressant medications. It’s showing the real-time rate at which people are consuming Xanax in the United States.

A visual representation of the rate at which people are subscribing to the “easy way out.” The environment on display has been programmed to act like the real world with small changes being made to reduce the effect of gravity. Each pill has been coded with its volume, density, and mass considered to extract the maximum amount of realism from the piece.

It’s called “EASY MODE” because Webb always tried to play video games on expert, the first time. After you die several times, you realize you can’t play anymore. Just like life, he couldn’t restart the game and try again. Instead, he had to switch on easy mode and learn to play the game of life again. Now he can switch it back to expert mode and try again.

It was his way of letting out that pain. Taking anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication, feeling like a zombie, to focus on one’s self in a world full of external noise. Webb said, “It’s ironic, this piece took forever to make, it kept breaking, it was as harder to make than taking Citalopram for the first time… I am eternally grateful to my dear friend Alex who built this with me. This was my demon.”



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